The following information is for the EMANT300, EMANT380
Question: I have been using your Emant300 and have gotten it to work properly using 2005. One issue I have noticed is when trying to use the emant300.ConfigAnalogAdvance it always gives a time out error. I looked in the documentation and haven't been able to find an example of how to properly use it in
Would you be able to explain how to properly use this in so we can change the settings?
Answer: Please download an example on how to use the advance config analog
Our example follows our standard strain example but adds enable buffer. For low source impedances, you may not notice any difference in the result.
Information on the method and enums can be found in the DAQ with VB2005 instruction guide appendix B. Look for the file in EMANTVB2005 folder. We suspect the time out error could be the wrong calculation of the ACLK and Decimation values leading to acquisition times longer than our time out values